High Blood Pressure’s Natural Remedies

High Blood Pressure’s Natural Remedies

Article by Robin Owl

High blood pressure is a chronic medical condition wherein there is force of blood that pushes against the wall of the arteries as your heart pumps blood. It is also known as hypertension. If the pressure rises, it can ruin the arteries and also the body in many ways. It is classified as primary or secondary. According to recent numbers, one in every three adults in the U.S. has high blood pressure. There are 90 to 95% of cases that fail to show a cause. People with high blood pressure may experience dizziness, nausea, headache, and blurry vision. But don’t worry; the high blood pressure has natural remedies. Here are the some ways you may use.

Garlic– It is a bulb that is common and available to be beneficial. Garlic can effectively reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure. It is necessary that you approach the use of garlic supplements with caution for it has the ability to thin the blood. It may interact with other medicine drugs like Coumadin. It is said to support the cardiovascular system when it is crushed or chewed to produce compound allicin. It is a mild antihypertensive and also an antioxidant.Grape seed– the polyphenols dilate blood vessels; neutralize free radicals and lower cholesterol in the bloodstream and therefore reduces hypertension. But be careful because if combined with Vitamin C the grape seed extract may increase blood pressure.Hawthorn Berries– this can support heart and the circulatory system. It expands blood vessels, reduce the levels of cholesterol and work in the liver to prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Its leaves can be used but the berries are more effective for treating hypertension by lowering the serum cholesterol. It has an antioxidant that removes free radicals. The kind of species of Hawthorn can be found in the Central and Western Europe. Its other names are May bush, Thorn-apple and Whitethorn.Astragalus Centralpinus– it is a powerful herb that lowers blood pressure. The tar extract from the plant can treat chronic heart problems that is related and associated with blood vessels that supply the blood. It serves as a tonic, diuretic and vasodilator. Dandelion– Its flower is edible and is good for salads. Its roots and leaves are used to make tea that acts as a mild diuretic. Dandelions are better than those pharmaceutical diuretics because they do not filter potassium. But you should be careful that dandelion should not be taken if you have blocked bile ducts.

As a conclusion, it is still necessary that you consult your doctors first before taking any herbal remedies. These herbs may work effectively if you use them properly. Some of these herbs and herbal supplements may not be recommended for some people and it is really important to seek advice from health experts. Your health is the most precious wealth. Take good care of it.

<span>Visit <span id=”lw_1275030997_0″ class=”yshortcuts”>http://www.GoodHerbalRemedies.com</span> to learn about more natural and perhaps healthier remedies! </span>

<div><span>Robin O. enjoys writing about many fascinating topics.</span></div>

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Natural High Blood Pressure Treatment

Natural High Blood Pressure Treatment

Article by Michael Taylor

What is it that will finally be that inspiration that motivates you? Many wait till New Years to make the change only to find out that a new calendar year can only motivate for a couple weeks. Many wait till that next celebration and hope that after the next lustful binge; they might change. But why don’t these ever work?

Because you are not allowing yourself to see the progress. You take a look at yourself the first day of your workout and you take a look at yourself on week 3. You don’t notice a thing. And you ask yourself, is this really working?

But it is!


Burning more calories than you consume will allow you to lose weight.


Drinking water allows your body to flush impurities and leaves you healthier.


You can naturally cure high blood pressure with watching your diet, vitamin intake and exercise. And you do not need to take those expensive, side-effect laden prescription drugs!

If you know the facts; you will know the outcome! And here are 5 facts to treat hypertension and diabetes. The problem is that you cannot see the progress unless you regularly test your points. If you are serious about a natural high blood pressure cure, we recommend you go to your nearest pharmacist and check your blood pressure today. And remember to keep a log of your blood pressure every week.

Hypertension will lead to Diabetes

Hypertension and diabetes are one of the fastest growing epidemics of the 21st century. And they walk hand in hand. In fact, if you have high blood pressure, you are on the path to one day be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. And currently, it is estimated that almost 150 million are currently suffering from this form of it.

Obesity and hypertension is often the trigger for both hypertension and Type 2 diabetes. If you live in a developed country, it is not hard to look around and see that obesity is a problem in most of those countries. And 90% of these cases are type 2. But these facts don’t tell you the worst of it.

High blood pressure is often labeled the ‘silent killer’ because it does just that; with no warning, hypertension will kill! In fact, in the United States there about 300,000 deaths contributed to high blood pressure. But to make matters worse, in the last years of your life you will suffer from type 2 diabetes. These symptoms include: extreme fatigue; excessive urination; feeling thirsty; dehydration; excessive hunger; poor wound healing; altered mental functioning and blurry vision.

So I ask you, “Are you on the path of high blood pressure and diabetes?” If this sounds like you, it does NOT have to be! Here are 5 facts that will motivate you to change some habits and check your score weekly.

5 facts to Naturally Cure High Blood Pressure

Fact 1-

How about I save you 0 for the hospital visit and give you the doctor’s advice. By the way, there are almost 50 million physician visits in America alone for high blood pressure. However, your doctor will tell you the following rules to treat hypertension. And you should take this advice serious. 1. Lose weight if you are overweight. 2. Be more active by eventually working your way up to 30 minutes a day. 3. Eat a healthy diet that is low in cholesterol, saturated fat and salt. 4. Cut back on alcohol with no more than one drink per day.

Fact 2-

Researchers at Duke University found that getting more potassium could lower blood pressure by as many as 20 points for people most at risk for high blood pressure. Therefore, potassium is one of the most important nutrients for your body when it comes to treating high blood pressure. So pound down those bananas or find a good supplement.

Fact 3-

Magnesium will aid potassium in reducing high blood pressure. Magnesium is a micronutrient found in bones, body tissues and organs of the body. It would be recommended that you receive at least 400 milligrams a day. We also provide a list of foods to eat in our report.

Fact 4-

Garlic is a proven herb that lowers cholesterol which will also lower high blood pressure. Garlic is also one of the most popular herbal supplements out there and there is a reason why. A compound found in garlic called allicin is thought to be the cause in lowering HBP points. Begin supplementation today!

Fact 5-

Are you ready? Take a deep breath! Well that is it. Breathing exercises that you can do anywhere have been known to reduce stress, tension and high blood pressure. In fact, you can actually take off points in hours by starting simple breathing exercises you could do at work. To learn more about a simple breathing exercise, please check out our report.

What’s Stopping You!

You now know some of the best facts for a natural high blood pressure cure! But there are at least 10 more proven remedies that could drop your score as well. Are you serious about finally treating your hypertension and taking control of your health without harsh medications? If you are, would you be interested in one of the most effective and guaranteed natural cures on the natural health market.

To get more information about this disease check out our free natural high blood pressure treatment guide

Michael Taylor is an expert in high blood pressure and hypertension and has helped thousands of high blood pressure sufferers lower their score in weeks.

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By: admin  :  Filed Under Treat High Blood Pressure