Reasons for High Blood Pressure – Get the Truth
Article by Alvin Hopkinson
Reasons for High Blood Pressure – Get the Truth – Health
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Hypertension is not uncommon amongst Americans and it is the preliminary to the leading cause of death in the United States, heart failure. For this reason alone, it is important to identify the reasons for high blood pressure. Many people live with the condition for years unaware of the risk and that they may have developed the disease already. Bottom line, treating hypertension is extremely critical. Improper treatment equals life-threatening results.
There are several reasons that hypertension attacks some 50 million Americans every day. As only one- third of them actually take control of it, the people must understand the risks for developing the condition and change the way they live. One reason that Americans suffer from high blood pressure is that it is hereditary.
Most evidence suggests that 30 to 60 percent of all cases of high blood pressure are related to family inheritance. If family members, such as parents, siblings or grandparents suffer with the disease, then your chances of developing it is high. Ironically, having a brother or sister with coronary artery disease increases the risk more so than a parent with high blood pressure.
Inheritance of hypertension is basically built on genetics. Furthermore, medical experts suggest that families often share the same lifestyles habits; eating, exercise and body weight, therefore increasing high blood pressure heirloom intensity.
Another factor that is significant in regards to high blood pressure is the racial element. In most countries, the racial factor plays a major role in the risk for developing hypertension. Within the United States, statistics reveal that the Caucasians’ risk for developing high blood pressure is about 25 percent.
The Native Americans risk for hypertension is slightly higher and the Hispanic population is slightly lower. However, the African- American population risk is significantly higher. At an amazing 36percent, African- Americans not only develop the condition, they generally develop it at an early age.
Due to the unhealthy lifestyle that many African-Americans’ sustain, their blood pressure is often more severe and progresses rapidly. Research indicates that high blood pressure accounts for 20percent of all premature deaths amongst African- Americans. This is twice the number of Caucasians that are affected.
Mental tension is also a significant contributor to high blood pressure. Mental tension can involve stress, worries, fear, work pressure or simply a competitive life. Also referred to as ‘Type A’ personality, the tension stimulates the secretion of undesirable juices within the body. In return, the arteriolar resistance is increased, which immediately causes high blood pressure.
Coincidently, medical experts have stated that mental tension is related to the high percentage of African- Americans with high blood pressure. African- Americans’ are victims of environmental and socioeconomic stressors which potentially causes that population to have the highest rating of hypertension in the world.
It is important to treat this condition aggressively. The reasons for high blood pressure should now be undeniably clear. It is not safe to ignore the risks and signs of the condition; it will not go away. Become active in regards to improving your lifestyle in order to decrease your chances of developing hypertension.
About the Author
Alvin Hopkinson is a leading researcher of various high blood pressure treatments. He runs an informational website that provides free tips to lower your hypertension and unbiased reviews on medications such as Cardura. Visit his site at
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Alvin Hopkinson is a leading researcher of various high blood pressure treatments. He runs an informational website that provides free tips to lower your hypertension and unbiased reviews on medications such as Cardura. Visit his site at
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