Lower Blood Pressure Diet
The kind of lifestyle many people now live can be described as unhealthy. The fast pace of life now makes people forget about eating or preparing healthy food. Instead of cooking home food people are left with unhealthy options like eating microwave preparations or just eating in fast food chains. If you think eating healthy is time consuming, you are mistaken.
One of the dietary regimes studied focused on restricting sodium intake to no more than 1,500 milligrams daily, which is roughly 2/3 teaspoon of normal table salt. Those who followed this program showed even more dramatic lowering of blood pressure readings.
Doctor might advise you to eat small amount of chocolate, dark chocolate is said to lower both the systolic and diastolic readings. Not all the people will have a problem taking some chocolate now and for their blood pressure.
It will depends in your situation so it is very important to consult the doctor to check if it can benefit you or if it will just increase your risk in your particular medical situation.
High fiber foods are usually foods that lower blood pressure as well. Avocados, raspberries, grapefruit, sweet potatoes, bran cereal (or muffins), black beans, and lima beans are all packed with fiber. You can also sprinkle flax seed into recipes to increase your fiber intake and lower blood pressure.
Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna [Latin]), also called haw, mayblossom, and mayflower has been used for thousands of years in Asian, European, and Native American cultures to treat heart disease. Hawthorn contains several proanthocyanidins and flavonoids, which increase the heart’s ability to pump blood and oxygen to all parts of the body by dilating coronary blood vessels and strengthening the heart muscle.
In addition to these minerals supplements can also be taken to in conjunction with high blood pressure diets. One of the most popular ones is garlic, because garlic contains a chemical called allicin which has been clinically proven to lower blood pressure.
Of course two highly dangerous factors that seriously increase the blood pressure and the risks of being struck by a heart-attack are alcohol and tobacco. Smoking is prohibited when suffering from high blood pressure and drinking should be kept under two drinks per day. Overweight people should seriously consider losing weight if they want to lower their blood pressure, and they need special diets of course.
Garlic and onions are also another important food to give a try. Although most recent research has focused on the cholesterol-lowering properties of garlic and onions, both have also been shown to lower blood pressure in cases of hypertension. Both garlic and onion should be used liberally in the diet. Commercial garlic supplements may also be of benefit. Onions also help to fight inflammation which benefits the cardiovascular system.
Hot cocoa is also enjoyable and it can help you sleep. But there’s not much point in consuming unusual foods only for their alleged health benefit. Neither is there any need for expensive supplements. None of these things is a dependable high blood pressure remedy, much less a miracle cure.
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