Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure
Article by roger jakson
Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure – Health – Diseases and Conditions
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If you have hypertension, you may worry about taking synthetic prescription drugs. There are natural remedies for high blood pressure that work, along with a few lifestyle changes where needed. By making just a few changes you can save the money you were spending on prescriptions, and improve your health!You see, prescription medications are often synthetic and don’t treat the underlying cause of your condition. They can also damage your internal organs, so you can see why choosing natural remedies for high blood pressure is a good choice.ish Oil – Did you know that eating the right amount of fish such as salmon that contain Omega 3 fish oil is good for reducing high blood pressure?Hypertension can be improved by diet change, stress reduction, and exercise. But truly lowering your numbers to a normal range requires a bit more. Some methods that can be used are deep breathing, meditation, special exercises and herbal supplements. These are a few of the natural remedies for high blood pressure.
Herbs – Herbs are one of the best natural remedies for high blood pressure, and many work as well as prescription drugs. When combined with a good diet and other healthy lifestyle changes, including herbal supplements is one of the most effective ways to reduce hypertension.Before focusing on the natural remedies for high blood pressure prevention and control, lets see what drugs are most likely people suffering from hypertension to be taking. The usual drugs prescribed in such cases are Alpha and Beta blockers as well as Vasodilators. All drugs of these kinds are may be helping lowering high BP but they do much greater harm on your body.Some of the herbs that have been used for centuries in Asia and Europe to lower high blood pressure are: 1) the Hawthorn Berry which help improve the blood supply to and from the heart by dilating the blood vessels; 2) Holly Leaf which expands the blood vessels and supports the circulation and blood flow to the heart; 3) Daikon Seed and Garlic.
More natural remedies for high blood pressure/natural solutions for hypertension include Arjuna which helps to keep up the health and tone of your hearts muscle. It also helps to stop bleeding and promotes quicker healing after you have suffered a hear attack. Another good remedy is Guggul which is from a thorny, small tree usually found in India and it is shown to raise “good cholesterol” while lowering your blood fat level.It’s a matter of changing most of the habits that you started since the beginning of your conscious life. It’s not that hard providing you have the proper knowledge that will allow you to make an intelligent decision. Most folks just don’t know what to do so they go to the Doctor. This is what we a programed to do. It’s only seems natural.
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