How To Treat Blood Pressure

How To Treat Blood Pressure

Article by Kristy Turner

How To Treat Blood Pressure – Health – Wellness

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Many people especially those in their old age are suffering from blood pressure. What makes this issue so alarming is the fact that young people between 30 years s to 40 years too are suffering from this ailment. Blood pressure is the increase of the blood tension within the veins as it is being circulated to all parts of the body.

If you are suffering from blood pressure and you want some simple tips to help you solve this problem, then please follow the tips I am about to show you. It is never going to be easy to treat blood pressure, but with discipliner and commitment to follow these routine carefully.

A Healthy Eating Habit

The first thing you must consider in your decision to treat blood pressure is your food intake. The food we take in especially red meat have been noted to be a leading cause of the problem. Late snacking, too much fatty foods cause the veins and arteries to be blocked or narrowed preventing the free flow of blood through the body. You must start a very healthy eating plan. Eat lot of food rich in fibre, vitamins and proteins. Do not sleep right after eating and always allow the food you have taken to dissolve before you drink water.

Reducing Salt and Sodium in Your Diet

Take your time to read the labels on the foods you buy to ensure they do not contain too much slat and sodium. Do your best to cut your salt and sodium intake entirely. Do not put salt in your food that has already been prepared. Though you might feel the salt in it is little, please do not be tempted to add some to it. Eat the food lie that and next go for the one of the right taste.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Being overweight will definitely lead you to get blood pressure. Frequently do a Body Mass Index (BMI) check on yourself to know your weight level. Do a lot of exercises that will help you lose weight. When you are able to attain an ideal weight, do your possible best to maintain it and never allow it to increase. You can start light jogging to work and instead of always driving, you can decide to ride the bicycle at times to help you exercise and shed off some unwanted pounds.

Being Physically Active

Is your daily work making you live a sedentary life? If yes, then this is the time to take a critical look at your lifestyle and change it. I am not saying quit your current job but do find some few hours in your busy life schedule to do some heavy work. The secret is to keep active and so whatever you know that it can help you to keep active, just be part of it. This is that right time to join the keep fit club in your community.

Limiting Alcohol Intake

Alcohol is never good for your health. The bottom line is, stay away from alcohol if you want to enjoy a healthy life.

Quitting Smoking

Just link alcohol, the same thing goes to smoking. I personally think smoking is more dangerous than drinking alcohol. Smoking causes a whole lot of complications to your health. This is the time to make the right decision and quit smoking to save your precious life.

Using the tips I have outlined above will help you to gradually reduce your high blood pressure. With time, you will gain an average or normal blood pressure that won’t be dangerous to your health. If you are currently suffering from high blood pressure and you want to quickly lower it as fast as possible, please get yourself Hypercet Blood Pressure Formula. This is a drug carefully formulated to help you obtain a normal blood pressure level. You can learn more about hypercet at Hypercet Blood Pressure Reviews.

About the Author

I have been writing so many articles related to Men’s health especially sexual health. You can find out my latest blog on how to cure premature ejaculation permanently at How to last longer in bed.

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Kristy Turner

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I have been writing so many articles related to Men’s health especially sexual health. You can find out my latest blog on how to cure premature ejaculation permanently at How to last longer in bed.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

By: admin  :  Filed Under Treat High Blood Pressure

Natural Remedies to treat High Blood Pressure

Natural Remedies to treat High Blood Pressure

Natural Remedies to treat High Blood Pressure

Natural remedies for high blood pressure of work – even better than prescription drugs. It may surprise you, but it’s true. If you are trying to decide if natural methods are good for you, here is some information you need to make an informed decision.

Some of the ingredients you find in most herbal supplements are calcium, magnesium, folate, niacin and juniper berries. There are other ingredients and herbs, but few are working to reduce blood pressure. These herbs and vitamins work to support the cardiovascular system.

All substances of this kind is to help reduce the high BP, but they do much more damage to your body. Beta-blockers usually cause asthma and cholesterol unbalanced and worst of all is that when you stop your heart goes out naturally.

Alpha blockers usually cause severe headaches or nausea and fatigue all day. All drugs can cause weight gain, which is bad for BP on their own.


A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition reported that quercetin, a substance usually associated with onion can actually reduce blood pressure by about 5 mmHg. Quercetin is a flavonol that is widely known for its antioxidant properties. The study found that a daily supplement of 730 milligrams of quercetin a period of 28 days resulted in a significant decrease in blood pressure of participants.

Chocolate – In the past, we thought the chocolate was not very good for anything, but make you gain weight and cause acne. Wrong! Eating the right amount of chocolate is good for reducing high blood pressure when combined with other natural remedies.

The exercise and deep breathing – we have always known that exercise is good to reduce blood pressure, deep breathing, but it is also very effective. This will help calm the nervous system and remove the stress and tension.

Some oils are also important for cardiovascular health. Taking fish oil supplements not only give you mental clarity and helps protect against blood clots, but also appears to lower blood pressure very well in those with hypertension.

Remember that you must take control of your own health and not just agree to take a strong prescription medication, unless you feel it is the right way to go for you. Good quality supplements in blood pressure may be a better alternative.

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By: admin  :  Filed Under Treat High Blood Pressure